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Generating Concepts for Product Design

Generating Concepts for Product Design

Engineering a great product comprises of many steps. From idea generation to actual production, you have to look for the best solution at every stage. In this article, we will focus on the first of them – concept generation.


Product concept generation is a process that starts with a list of parameters set by the customer regarding his needs and specifications. Based on the requirements, concept generation helps to pinpoint a variety of possible solutions and ideas that answers those needs.


However, looking at the problem from different angles can result in concepts that you may not have come up without some deep thinking. Hence, it is a crucial part of the product development process.

产品规划的概念生成可能被视为一种类似有效和前瞻性的机制精益制造用于生产和并发工程for the whole product development process. A systematic approach to the different sides of a product journey pays dividends at the end.


The conceptualisation phase itself is a step in the larger engineering process, which goes like this:

  • 确定客户需求
  • Defining the problem and objectives
  • 概念生成
  • 起草和分析
  • 详细的设计和图纸
  • 创建原型
  • Testing
  • 最终交货


This, however, does not mean that you should skip everything other than customer needs,工程图纸and manufacturing. It only means that you are probably more restricted when it comes to trying out wholly new ideas because you cannot test if they actually work out as planned.

Even if you have to stay on the safer side, going through the concept process is of help when looking to provide the best possible solution to answer the need. So let’s take a look at what it entails.

Product concept generation steps are as follows:

  • Understanding the problem
  • Researching established solutions
  • 集思广益& ideation
  • Assessing the ideas & solutions
  • 挑出其中的赢家和开始工作

Step 1 – Understanding the Problem


Bear in mind that you are the engineer and the customer may not always know what kind of information is actually necessary. They may have a vision for a solution which ignores many important details.


All this contributes a great deal in the next steps. You will know what questions to ask yourself before putting anything to paper (or CAD).

步骤2 - 研究已建立的解决方案

Before getting to generating your own designs, expose yourself to the available information. Researching solutions for the same和类似的问题is a great way to kickstart the product development process.

Googling product ideas
Google’s answers for “wood chopping machine”


There is a reason, however, why the customer is turning to you. Maybe he didn’t find what he was looking for, although it exists. Maybe he needs a customised solution. Maybe there is nothing available on the market that could satisfy the requirements.

Whatever the answer, there will be solutions similar enough. Exposing yourself to them is necessary before going on to the next stage.

Maybe your customer needs a solution for opening doors softly so the wind couldn’t blow it wide open with a bang. And nothing like that exists. Go on doing the research about mechanisms for closing doors softly. You may find a lot of inspiration if you do not limit yourself too narrowly.

That is also why seasoned engineers are so valuable. Even if they have not worked on a project with a similar scope, bringing in the experience from a variety of different projects will help immensely. Implementing an idea that answers a similar problem may need some adjusting, but it’s a good start.

步骤3 - 集思广益和构想

Now we get to put the research phase behind us to move on to the creative side of the design process. As we outlined in our工程师的提示文章,我们总是建议生成至少3种解决方案供您选择。




When looking to create a new concept for a product, the latter quality is not really useful. At least not in this stage. It is better to switch off the critical thinking part when looking to come up with a variety of ideas.


最重要的部分是确保您的想象力可以自由流动。当然,这是一项需要开发的技能。寻找发展该技能的方法的绝佳资源是Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko

在这里,我们将轮廓最常见的箍tegies to come up with some ideas.



Let’s start with the most famous one of them all – brainstorming. This is a group exercise that is based on two premises – quantity breeds quality and deferring judgment.

The optimal size for a group is between 5-10 people and there should be a designated group leader. A session can last anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour and there is one goal only – to come up with a lot of ideas. Of course, first you need to lay out the problem details you pinpointed in the first step.

Everyone will have to work together to continue developing each other’s ideas. A good practise to follow is answering an idea with “Yes, and…” rather than “Yes, but…”. This will set the tone for the whole process.



我tis the product development team’s task to later assess these ideas and choose whether using them in the concept is realistic or not.

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This is a combination of brainstorming and a technique called reversing. Engineering questions tend to be something like “How can I solve this problem?” and “How could I make this work?”. Reversing means asking “How can I make this problem worse?” and “How could I break it?”.

This gives a whole new perspective which can lead to great results.

Once you have created a set of reverse questions, you can start solving them. If your brainstorming buddies come up with ingenious ideas for breaking things, they may stumble upon something that is also actually useful for preventing this from happening.

You do not have to limit yourself to asking questions only, though. Statements about the “common understanding” work just as well.

ThinkerToys书中最著名的例子之一是归因于Alfred Sloanwho reversed the idea that a person must first buy a car before he can drive it. The reversal meant that you can buy it while driving the car, hence coming up with the idea for instalment buying.

Mind Maps

engineering mind map


You can take your main problem as the central word and write it down on paper. Then you just start writing down everything that relates to this word. And do the same, in turn, for those newly written-down words.

At last, you end up with a mind map with a lot of branches.

When creating a new product for your client, you can also start with the central word just being “the product” and add the requirements as the first branches – safety, ease of use, quickness, etc. When you add terms that relate to these qualities, you may well come up with a concept that covers all the necessary functions.

Just beware of the possibility ofcreating a feature shock。如果单一项目使使用更复杂,那么它并不总是必须解决世界上所有问题。或导致可怕的设计。


Another team effort that requires 6 people. Each writes down 3 ideas over a 5-minute period. Now you know what the numbers stand for.

First, each individual writes down 3 ideas for a solution. Again, the problem has to be clearly defined from the start.

Next, they pass their paper along to the person sitting next to them. He can then further develop these ideas or add new ones based on the ideas he sees. Seeing another person’s perspective can be a strong ignitor of a wholly new concept.

The same process will be done until each person gets their original paper back after a full circle. And now you have 108 ideas in total. Yes, some of them are very raw and partial. But you just spent less than an hour (including setting up the meeting and explaining what is going to happen) to generate a wide range of concepts for your product.


Lateral vs vertical thinking

Lateral thinking is definitely one of the most important elements of product design concept generation. Although we have already addressed it in principle, it will not hurt to lay it out.

Lateral thinking refers to a broad search for a large number of possibilities and ideas. The aim is to avoid going in-depth with any of this or even pass judgment. Sure, passing the opportunity to make a joke about your colleague’s lack of intelligence may be tough to resist, but do your best.



步骤4 - 评估思想和解决方案


现在是时候将逻辑重新采取行动了。松了一口气 - 终于!

首先,审议这些想法,选择一些看起来像出色候选人的想法 - 3至5个概念将是很棒的。


Secondly, do some sketching for the select few. Besides being just illustrations, sketching can bring out the pros and cons of many of these ideas. Also, turn your attention to the more difficult aspects of each concept and try to come up with the general idea of how to solve them. This will help to assess many of the crucial points here.

Next, build up an assessment form or scoring matrix. It can include everything that is necessary for this project. Every idea gets a rating which is weighed. The scoring points can includemanufacturing cost, manufacturability, time to design, efficiency, durability, aesthetics, etc.


步骤5 - 选择获胜者并开始努力

因此,您拥有它 - 获胜的概念。现在是时候开始产品开发的过程了。接下来是特定的设计选择。在那里,您还可以利用强大的CAD软件功能(例如生成设计)来帮助创建高度优化的设计。

在此阶段,您还应该了解材料或至少材料类,因为它决定了零件的厚度和整体几何形状。最后但并非最不重要的一点是制作制作图。除非可以manufacture your parts straight from 3D files



And if you really are in a hurry, remember that generating two ideas is still better than one.

Now, armed with a few techniques, let’s start making better products!

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